About Virtuously Unveiled®

Unveiled Faces Biblical Counseling

Hello Friends & Welcome to Virtuously Unveiled!

Welcome to Virtuously Unveiled, a virtual ministry dedicated to providing holistic soul care through solution-focused Biblical Counseling, Mentorship, and Prayer. Perhaps you’re curious about what “Virtuously Unveiled” stands for and how it can benefit you. Not to worry, I’ll gladly explain. Join me on a brief journey as we uncover the significance of Virtuously Unveiled and explore how I can support you.

In the Amplified Version of 2 Corinthians 3:16, Virtuously Unveiled is beautifully elucidated as a process of turning and facing:

“Whenever someone turns to face God, God removes the veil and in that very moment, they are face-to-face!”

This marks the commencement of our journey together. The metaphorical use of the term “veil” symbolizes a lack of comprehension of God’s truth. Scripture employs the imagery of “removing a veil” to denote God’s self-revelation, wherein He makes known His will, purpose, and nature, through Jesus Christ and the scriptures. Life’s challenges and distortions may obstruct our vision, causing us to lose sight of our purpose or feel trapped. These challenges create veils that hinder our perception.

Are you facing veils of grief, depression, anxiety, doubt, fear, marital issues, identity crises, or others that may be obstructing your view? Do you seek assistance in lifting the veil of your troubles to walk in freedom? If so, let’s connect. Allow me to guide you in removing the veil, revealing God’s glory, and inviting restoration and healing into your life. The veil has been torn! Through Christ, we have life and victory. Click on the links below to embark on this transformative journey.

Unveiled Faces Biblical Counseling

Through solution-focused Biblical Counseling, I am dedicated to assisting you in applying God’s truth to the struggles of life, ultimately for your benefit and His glory. This approach shifts the focus from dwelling on the problem to harnessing your strengths, envisioning a positive outcome, and identifying practical solutions grounded in both your innate abilities and the wisdom of Scripture. Our foundation and compass will be the boundless wisdom found within God’s Word.

Psalm 139:13-16 beautifully encapsulates the concept that God has intricately designed each individual with a unique purpose. Your purpose is not merely a distant concept but a reality already embedded within you. Together, through solution-focused Biblical Counseling, we will uncover and cultivate the divine potential that resides within you, empowering you to live a life that reflects God’s intended design.

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